2023w52: JED Bibliographic Format • History of Ideas • Working in Public.
The projects I have been working on the past week was:
- Starting on challenge to get an overview of history of ideas in approx 3 weeks.
- New sprint structure, including intention of weekly public retrospective
- Looking into the JED Bibliographic Format, and getting to know the FBI-API.
Key takeaways:
- Plan/intention for new sprint structure (subject to change).
- Revival of old 5x5 mnemotechnique
- Initial mapping of "history of ideas" course content
- ChatGPT experiments, including custom instructions, to make it useful for study pracitice.
- Brushing up on GraphQL. FBI-API is easy to work with, and the JED-data-model is richer than the old DKABM-JSONLD
History of Ideas
A while ago I signed up for a 5th semester university course on the "History of Ideas", which sounds really interesting. Unfortunately I could only attend 3 out 27 lectures, and have had no time to read on the topic until the past week. So now I challenging myself to use a couple of weeks to dive into the topic, – and I'll try to go to the exam in 15 days, for the fun it, and as an external motivation.
Some years ago, I was playing with an idea about using a 5x5 grid as a mnemotechnique for learning stuff, – so I am also reviving this idea, and have stuffed the philosophers/thinkers into this:
Platon | Aristoteles | (Diogenes) | Sextus | Epikur |
Luther | Aquinas | Descartes | (Confucius) | (Yang Chu) |
Kierkegaard | Kant | Spinoza | ((Hume, Carnap)) | Mo Tzu |
Bultman | Heidegger | (Wittgenstein) | Nietzsche | Mill |
Løgstrup | Beauvoir | Phillips | Bataille | Nussbaum |
With proper Custom Instructions ChatGPT4 works well as a personal tutor/trainer. You can ask question(even in Danish) like: "Ask me a question related to a random of the topics I am studying?", "How is SOME-IDEA related to the topics I am studying?", etc. for interactive practice. Of course all replies should be fact-checked. My custom instructions includes an overview of required literature:
Studying history of ideas, want to know more about the following texts/philosophers and their context:
Plato/Platon: Phaedo / Faidon
Epicurus/Epikur: Letter to Menoeceus / Brev til Menoikeus
Aristotle/aristoteles: Nicomachean Ethics / Den Nikomachæiske Etik
Mozi/Mo Tzu: Universal Love / 兼愛
Aquinas: On Law (from Summa Theologica) / Om loven
Luther: On Secular Authority / Om lydighed mod den verdslige øvrighed
Descartes: Meditations / Meditationer
Spinoza: Theologico-Political Treatise / Teologisk-politisk afhandling
Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals / Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik
Kierkegaard: Philosophiske Smuler
J.S. Mill: Utilitarianism
Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality / Zur Genealogie der Moral
Heidegger: Being and Time / Sein und Zeit
de Beauvoir: The Ethics of Ambiguity
Rudolf Bultmann: New Testament and Mythology / Det nye testamente og mytologien (Mytologi og bibelforståelse)
K.E. Løgstrup: The Ethical Demand / Etiske begreber og problemer
Bataille: The Accursed Share
D.Z. Phillips: Religious Beliefs and Language-Games
Nussbaum: Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach
(Also secondary: Diogenes, Confucius, Yang Chu, Sextus, Hume, Heidegger, Carnap, Wittgenstein)
It is also good to feed ChatGPT a bunch of notes, and ask it extract key concepts, and point out anything which seems wrong.
Experiments using ChatGPT to generate quizzes has been interesting, – as some questions/answers where good, and others were ..ehm.. not so good.
I started a new page on ukua: https://ukua.dk/idehistorie for my notes + quizzes etc.
New weekly sprint structure
I am trying out a new sprint structure:
- Internal sprint notes (in markdown in a new git private repository), with the following entries each week:
- initial planning/checklist
- time tracking
- note taking
- retrospective
- Retrospective blog post (like this)
- Image/icon/illustration for blog post etc.
- (At some point I would also like to make a very short <1min retrospective video week).
- (At some point, – if I get into a habit with above, and it works well – I also want to start sharing it on asocial media, to get draw attention/PR to my company).
This is just a preliminary idea, and will probably change a lot.
JED Bibliographic format
More details (in danish) on: https://solsort.com/2023/noter-om-jed-bibliografiske-format