The graph on https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ really shows that we need to do something now!
Below is a calls-to-action from 2020/2021 in both english and danish, – and my approach about what to do.
If you are a student, there is a network meeting on 2023-08-15.
Climate (2021)
The Climate Crisis and biodiversity loss
are way bigger than the Corona Crisis,
but like boiled frogs we are slow to react.
We need to act now.
- We are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction, – earlier mass extinctions includes the demise of the dinosaurs.
- If we are lucky, then the global warming will "only" result in: more extreme weather, extinction of species, increased poverty / famine, and mass climate refugees.
- There is a risk that the global warming might cascade other processes, that accelerates the warming. In the worst case, this jeopardizes the habitability of the planet.
As individuals in the society we can make a big difference:
- Read up on the situation, and share your knowledge. Talk with your friends about the situation. The scientific facts are clear. To do something, we need to acknowledge the magnitude of the issue, – even though it is more comfortable to repress it.
- Vote with your money, move pension funds and investments to more sustainable investments. Prioritise climate i behaviour and consumption.
- Focus on influencing companies and organisations that you connect with towards more focus on climate.
- Be a part of organisations and movements, that works for a better climate.
Klimakrise – vi kan gøre noget... (2020)
Klima-krisen er større end Corona-krisen.
Men den fylder mindre, da det tager år
før vi ser resultaterne af vores handlinger.
Fakta om situationen som gør, at vi må handle nu:
- Vi befinder os i den sjette store masseuddøen, – tidligere masseuddøen er eksempelvis dinosaurernes udslættelse.
- Hvis vi er heldige, så medfører den globale opvarmning "kun": mere ekstremt vejr, arters uddøen, øget fattigdom / hungersnød og klima-flygtningestrømme.
- Der er en risiko for, at den globale opvarmning sætter kaskader af processer i gang, der øger opvarmningen. Dette kan i værste fald gøre jorden ubeboelig for mennesker.
Som individer i samfundet kan vi gøre stor en forskel:
- Sæt dig ind i situationen, og del viden: snak med dine venner om situationen. Når man kigger på fakta, så er problemet så stort, at vi helst vil lukke øjnene og fortrænge det.
- Stem med dine penge, flyt pensionsopsparing og investering til bæredygtige investeringer. Prioritér bæredygtighed og klima i adfærd og forbrug.
- Fokusér på, at hjælpe virksomheder og organisationer, som du befinder dig i, med at få et større klimafokus. I dag er dette også en konkurrenceparameter.
- Vær aktiv i bevægelser eller organisationer, der arbejder for et bedre klima.