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Various notes...



  • tangoloft
  • tangokollektiv


  • elcorte


  • contact-tango

Katalog / idéer til øvelser ved workshop

  • introduction to the concept
  • walk or dance with the music
    • play with it: slow/fast
    • body scan awareness
    • fill empty places
  • connection
    • dyad mirroring with eye contact, start out with leader + follower, raise hand.
      • mirroring physical and emotional
      • remember different levels
      • add background music
    • connection mirror: increase/decrease
    • practice weight changes together
    • blindfold lead-follow
  • circle mirror - no initiative, just amplification
  • composition of space, – create a picture, one person at a time
  • words
    • zip-zap-zop.
    • association circle.
    • no, yes-but, yes-and.
    • dyad guess / describe the other person what you imagine from the impression (positive).
  • tango embrace
    • about the tango culture, eye contact
    • circle eye contact swap spaces
    • embrace, breath together, leave
  • tag-fat + Helle, når man siger en europæisk hovedstad, ... andre emner

Various old dance notes (2018)

Places where I like to go out dancing in Copenhagen:

  • 5rytmer – fredage
  • Happy Feet Studio – nogle fredage
  • Absalon – morgendans, samt nogle fredage/lørdage, (contact impro is also nice, but collides with my schedule)
  • Tinkuy – desværre sjældent dansearrangementer forøjeblikket
  • Studenterhuset – swingdans om tirsdagen

Fun video - evolution of dance:

Dance notes (in progress)

My dance

I prefer fusion dance, such as contact-tango.
My roots come from argentine tango (since 2003),
and later many other dances, both solo and social.

Get in touch, if you feel like a dance exchange,
especially if you have different dance roots than I,
as that often lead to interesting

Chronological notes and experiences:

  • 2018-04-05 point of weightlessness, when walking heel first
  • 2018-03-28 exercise: clap-patterns for measure crowd musicality, standing “push-ups” for teaching connection.
  • 2018-03-22 deciding to log dance experiences to remember them
  • 2018-03-21 using momentum/jerk of leg/arm to extend movement of the body
  • 2018-03-19 mythological dance: connection between Ask Yggdrasil and the chakras
  • 2017-10-03 “light fibers” during dance
  • 2017-10-03 slowness as source of intensity
  • 2017-10-02 stopping and ask participants to reflect with each other during dance class

  • The dance trance, forget the border between oneself and the universe
  • Use mythological figures and archetypes in the dance, like the indian Shiva(tandava), the eagle(shamanic), 天(tai chi), the norse and greek gods, warrior(african dance), etc.
  • When not knowing what to do, breath and feel the connection between the foot and the floor
  • You dance with the floor, the partner, the music, and much more
  • Remember and join the intention of each of the trillions of cells of our body



  • Walking, one blind-folded, and one protecting against collisions.
  • Standing – connection – just initiating movement from center to partners feet
  • Just walking to music in the direction of the dance.
  • The embrace: hug, and then release one arm. (show example of good/bad hugs, for laughs and rememberance)
  • Dance with objective of minimising distance between oneself and the couple in front (good for teaching floorcraft).
  • “Look ma’, no hands”: visual connection, chest connection
  • Connection through various points: shoulders, head, stomach, fingers, …
  • Musicality: same song (different versions / artist) through most the lesson, to get to know its structure well, and make it easier to play with
  • Dancing individual instruments.
  • Being slow and fast on the beat. Going against the beat. Walking individually and in couples.
  • Make a dance of just walking. Make it interesting through music.
  • Crossed/parallel system.
  • Lead without walking, counter lead (from standing)
  • Enumerate all possibilities of where to move.
  • Mirror figure
  • Reverse in middle of figure
  • Front to back connection (show-dance-like, but can be good in social too)
  • Follower closes eyes and connects with hand to leads center, to origin of movement.
  • Blindfolded couple + one/two caretakers
  • Changing roles, changing roles during dance, diffused roles
  • Balloon dance
  • Arms along stick/broom behind neck, – practice dissociation
  • Leader impulse – follower intepretation – leader following the follower


  • Warm-up: starting/dancing with feets moving upwards through all body parts
  • Aikido/chi energy
  • Different origins of movement in the body
  • Off-balance