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2024w01: History of Ideas – creating a book

The projects I have been working on the past week was: Experiments with making a small book together with ChatGPT with overview/notes the "History of Ideas", and thereby also learn about the topic myself. It is in danish and based on a university course I am following, – the quality is quite low, but here […]

2023w52: JED Bibliographic Format • History of Ideas • Working in Public.

The projects I have been working on the past week was: Starting on challenge to get an overview of history of ideas in approx 3 weeks. New sprint structure, including intention of weekly public retrospective Looking into the JED Bibliographic Format, and getting to know the FBI-API. Key takeaways: Plan/intention for new sprint structure (subject […]

Noter om JED (bibliografiske format)

Jeg har kigge lidt på JED-formatet, og her er nogle noter om dette: Generelt indtryk Små idéer/forslag til forbedringer Stikprøve med bibliografiske data for at se hvilke felter der benyttes praksis Generelt indtryk JED-formatet er et stort fremskridt. Data rigere end hvad man man får ud af openplatform(simpel/direkte mapping fra DKABM til JSON-LD). gør […]

Showing kaggle/github files in wordpress
Pattedyr på jorden

Størrelserne af kasserne svarer til vægten af pattedyrene på jorden:   630.000‍.000.000 kg tamme dyr: kvæg, grise, får, heste, hunde, katte, … 390.000‍.000.000 kg mennesker. 40.000‍.000.000 kg pattedyr i havet: hvaler, sæler, delfiner, … 20.000‍.000.000 kg vilde dyr på land: hjorte, elefanter, vildsvin, elefanter, … Tallene stammer fra gitlab:milo-lab-public/mammal_biomass som indeholder datagrundlaget for The global […]

Nature Backgrounds

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Optimizing Daily Work Structure: An Experiment

I am experimenting to devise a more efficient daily work routine. Here is the routine that I plan to test:

XR Vendepunktet 2022

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The Climate Crisis and biodiversity loss are way bigger than the Corona Crisis, but like boiled frogs we are slow to react. We need to act now. We are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction, – earlier mass extinctions includes the demise of the dinosaurs. If we are lucky, then the global warming […]


Overblik: Performance har betydning, også på trafik fra søgemaskiner. Hvordan: eksempelvis serverside-rendering caching etc. Teknisk: hvorledes med react.. Links og navigationsstruktur kort url egne links (out-authority+internal 4-8. No broken) eksterne links wikipedia link? Struktur og indhold Optimering af indhold, (ikke duplikeret) Keyword in url, title and h1/h2/h3… meningsfulde tags, img alt tags+filename […]